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A couple of the displays in the lobby of the Hall of Presidents.  Here are George W. Bush's boots.
A couple of the displays in the lobby of the Hall of Presidents. Here are George W. Bush's boots.
George Bush, the fathers, sky diving helmet.
George Bush, the fathers, sky diving helmet.
I was surprised to see they were still using the ropes to tie off the boats at WDW.  After the accident a couple years ago at Disneyland they no longer put any strain on the ropes.  The boats basically stop and then they hang the ropes.. but at WDW they were using the ropes to stop the boats.
I was surprised to see they were still using the ropes to tie off the boats at WDW. After the accident a couple years ago at Disneyland they no longer put any strain on the ropes. The boats basically stop and then they hang the ropes.. but at WDW they were using the ropes to stop the boats.
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